Writing Methods to Beat Writer’s Block

Everyone writes differently. Some people sit down and force themselves to write, while others only write by riffing on stage. Most of us are somewhere in between. However you write, we’ve all had a desire to come up with something new, only to draw a complete blank. Here are a few methods I have heardRead more

Respecting the Light is the Most Important Thing You Can Do as a Comedian

I know it seems obvious. Most comics know that this is the most obvious thing in comedy. But those that do not, well, they REALLY do not. The light tells you when your shift is over, and you NEED to respect that. Running the light is the quickest way to never get booked again. SomeRead more

The case against having the word “comedian” in your Facebook name.

This is one might be sensitive – the case against having the word “comedian” (or something similar) in your Facebook name. This post comes from my having three different conversations this week (one with a comic, two with bookers) where they all, unprovoked, disparagingly said something like “some comedian whose facebook name is ‘comedian’” You’veRead more

Comedy Etiquette

Today’s “be the best comic you can be” business tip is about etiquette. There are lots of unwritten rules when you’re a comic. Here’s a few of em: 1) Any feature that doesn’t ask the headliner if its okay to sell merch is a dick. Any headliner that says no is a bigger dick. Also,Read more