Here’s a template I’d recommend for an email to a booker. And NEVER email a bunch at once, its insulting. If you want to send a mail merge, get Max Bulk Mailer (Mac) or Group Mail Pro (PC) to send to a list, while personalizing. That way it looks like you took the time to email them personally.
Remember, this is just a guide. CHANGE IT TO MAKE IT YOUR OWN! It won’t help to have us all sending the same email.
“Hi FIRST NAME. My name is _________, and I’m a comedian based in CITY NAME. I’ve heard wonderful things about CLUB NAME and I’d love to submit for work. I would be happy to provide a link, a bio, and any references you might need. And if there’s a better way to submit to you, please let me know and I’d be happy to do it.
Thanks for taking the time,
Notice how there was no bragging. If you are looking for work, you don’t have enough to brag about to impress anyone in that position. Just be a human being and ask. Also, isn’t it better to confidently say hi to someone than to say hi and tell them everything about yourself?
Keep it short, keep it to the point, and keep it pleasant and professional.